Hey friends! I'm playing catch up on all the things and today I wanted to share my inventory spreadsheets with you. My lovely friend Diane mentioned that she wanted to inventory her pantry and freezer and just knew that I would have something on my blog about it. But guess what?!?! I don't! How can that be? I've totally talked about it before, here and here. At one point a couple of years ago, I set up that fancy homestead binder. It had everything in it, but it was hard to keep up with. The inserts for the binder are currently free so if you'd like to try it here's the link.

I decided that my blog and social media really take the place of an actual binder. You know how I love pen and paper though. So my inventory spreadsheets are actually printed off and hanging in the appropriate spot. And after my friend Diane couldn't find anything on my blog I knew it was time to share them with you all! SO. I have them listed in my shop for free. All you need to do is just grab them from the shop, update them with your items, print them out, and you are good to go!

I have three inventory sheets-one for the actual pantry, one for our pantry freezer, and one for the freezer in the kitchen. I should add a spice one as well since we have a ton of spices and go through them quickly! I'll do that soon and let you know. Feel free to use these spreadsheets however you need them.

So that's it! It's listed in the shop. Let me know if you have anything to add. Do you do something different? How do you keep track of all the food things? Do you rotate your cans and frozen goods? We don't. But I do try to do an inventory a couple of times per year so I can see what all we have. Happy inventorying friends!

'til next time


Chicken Librarian Makes: Sourdough Starter


Chicken Librarian Makes: Pasta!