Hi friends! Here we are for another weekly update. Last week was pretty busy but also full of emotional highs and lows. But also one of tremendous growth. I have a lot to fill you in on so let's get started!


I'm mostly focusing on the future at this point in way of accepting a job offer and then planning for that future. Y'all! I'm so excited about the job. A good friend of mine is opening an Inn back in NY and she offered me the innkeeping position (we're not sure what the title is yet, but I'll be the GM or innkeeper or inn manager or whatever you want to call it). I've been working on setting up a budget and figuring out how it will work for me for the future. It's scary and exciting all in one.

Speaking of the future and budgets, I came thisclose to buying my dream car but then looked at my budget and realized there's not room for a car payment. I always believe that things happen for a reason so I know I passed on this car (and any car payment) for a good reason that hasn't been revealed to me yet. But I ain't gonna lie, that was hard-realizing that I don't have any extra room in my budget right now. Oh. I know I mentioned that I set up my 'new to me car' in a previous post, but I should have mentioned that it's a car Anna and I are borrowing from my parents while we're in TN.

In other news, I was looking at my cell phone bill and realized that they were offering 6 months free access to Discovery+ and Apple music. That was music to my ears. hehehe. So I'm listening to that free music as I write this. I did a little clothes shopping last week. I've kinda outgrown my clothes and wasn't really feeling all that cute so I took a little bit of money and bought some cute clothes. I'm feeling better about that. More on that below.


I'm still working on my socks. I've got one to the heel turn (which I'll do tomorrow at my knitting class) and now I just need to get the other one to that point too. I should have them both finished in the next week or so. so exciting! I also bought yarn to make this sweater. I based my color choices off this version, but with a twist! It looks complicated, but I don't think it is. Speaking of knitting, I'm taking the time to update my ravelry page. Such a nerdy thing to do, but I love it! It helps keep track of what I've done and see those finished (and not finished) projects.

I went to a craft fair and saw some really cute and wonderful crafters! The first booth that drew my attention was pretty amazing but when I asked the artist if I could take pictures she was very taken aback and told me that she has pictures on her website. Oy! So then I got really shy about taking any pictures. So there you have it! No pictures from the craft fair.

But I did sign up for a photography class! I think that counts as making. It starts next week and I'm really excited. I haven't ever taken a formal photography class...just mostly learning on my own or watching a video here or there. So having something a little more formal will be fun. It's through the University of Tennessee's Center for Professional Education and Lifelong Learning Center.

The Rest of the Story

As for the rest of the story, I made an appointment for a hair cut! That's very exciting. I'm going to this salon. It looks so cool! I can't wait to see what we come up with to do with my hair. I need a change but I'm not always really good at figuring out what would look best with my face shape, etc. I did color my hair but that was from a box. I feel so much better after having done just that.

In other news, Anna and I finally found a place to go walk! My brother lives in a quiet neighborhood about 10 minutes from here. Anna and I went over yesterday to 'test drive' the walk. She seemed to do okay. Of course, my nephews, their 2 dogs, and their mom went for a walk with us! It was pretty funny! And in other, other news, I discovered this TV show for when I'm on the treadmill. Friends! It is so cool and amazing to watch these make-up artists work!

I'm still coming to terms with everything. I imagine it's a long process. I mostly feel okay but there are times that things sneak up on me. Like when I'm setting up a budget and I don't have the extra money that I thought I would. But that's okay. I'll work it out. I always do. I don't feel so lonely anymore either. I think that we have to love ourselves enough to be okay on our own and to make sure you're getting what you need out of life and your relationships. And I don't think I was doing that. I think I was giving too much of myself and not taking care of me. I'm still not there but I'm getting closer. Closer to self love. Closer to fulfilling my dreams, goals, and giving myself what I need out of life. I'm taking it one day at a time, one minute at a time. I feel hopeful for the future.

And y'all. Being home with my parents. That's a huge learning lesson for me too. In patience. In letting things go. There's nothing like being in your childhood home to help you see where you need to make some changes in your life. LOL. I'm also slowly realizing how poorly I've reacted to a lot of things in my life. And I now understand why. And all I can do about it is change that behavior and keep moving forward and being the best version of me that I can be. I'm a better version of me today than I was yesterday. And tomorrow I'll be a better version than I was today.

That's a good place to end for this week. I'll be back later this week for more updates on things that I'm making and doing.

'til next time


Use what you have


Halloween 2021