Hi guys! It's been FOREVER since I've done a weekly roundup. I think it's high time I got back to it. So let's do a recap of the year thus far and then we'll finish with some Friday Favs!

To get us started, I've been gone for the better part of a month. I started in PA and then traveled to NJ and then flew to TN and drove back to the homestead. Then we went to Cape Cod (that roundup is coming next week. I actually have all the pics edited and uploaded!). I got a new tattoo, took some walks, took some selfies!

I've also had lots and lots of time with the animals. Well, in between my travels, I've had some time with the animals! I started back to teaching classes this past week. I have been super busy planning classes, booking classes, figuring out the next steps with the business. My first "On-the-Homestead" class is today! You can read more about that below. Speaking of animals and the homestead, I do believe it's time for chickens to make an appearance on the homestead again. We discussed it at the Maple Syrup workshop and it has been decided! I feel so good about that decision.

I'm heading to Vermont for a girls weekend next week! First time in Vermont (and I hear there's some activities planned in New Hampshire as well...another state I haven't visited before!). There's sure to be updates on that trip as well.

I think we see where Bobby is going to spend the rest of the winter! He has been curled up in front of the electric fireplace next to my desk most of this past week.

We did some redecorating, as you are well aware! I finally got the bed situation all figured out. I believe I mentioned that I got some new sheets and stuff for Christmas and I found that fun gingham duvet on Amazon. I love the bedroom now. I love how fluffy it is and all the blankets. I love to have some heft to the blankets. I also sleep with a fan on, year round!

I finally did a freezer inventory last week. I just need to make a spreadsheet and figure that part out. Ultimately I would like to have a list of what we have and some way to keep track of what we take out and what we add to it. I have a rough sketch in my head, but if you have any words of wisdom, I'm all ears!

If you recall, the Mister let me 'borrow' one of his fancy cameras (fancier than my intro model DSLR). I've been a little hesitant to use it because, well, newer, bigger camera! But I've also been feeling a little stuck lately (again!) with my photography so I decided to just jump in feet first. He showed me where the buttons are (the ones that I use the most) and I've just started using it all the time. Most of these pics are a combo of my old camera, the borrowed camera, and my iphone. I've been using my iphone a lot more lately but honestly I don't like how the pictures turn out. Of course, I haven't been taking good pictures with the borrowed camera either since I just started using it and am getting used to it. I was a little frustrated today with how the pictures turned out but I'm considering it growing pains and we'll work it out...the camera and me. Also, on a funny note, the pics above? Only one is with the old camera and most of the rest are with the borrowed camera (the selfies and Anna pics are with my phone). So, maybe the borrowed camera and I are not having that hard of a time together after all.

I'm feeling really focused and organized lately. Boy, with all (the very good things) this past year brought my way and still having that momentum going into 2020 has been really nice. I've been booking classes pretty steadily even while I was on vacation after vacation! And I'm happy to report that I've added two new venues to my roster: The Cooperage Project and one of the local summer camps.

I will say, a couple of places that I need to focus are the garden (and chickens!) and with my online presence. I need to do some work to the garden spot and order seeds. Umm...hello, that's the most important part of the garden! As for the other part, I still don't think I've found my exact focus with either the blog or with social media. That will be a big task that I start undertaking now that I feel like I have a good grasp on everything else within my little business.

Speaking of getting things on track or focusing on things, I'm happy to report that the book group is back on track as well! We'll do our last discussion of Animal, Vegetable, Miracle on March 8th. If anyone is interested, we can make it a video chat. If not, we'll just finish it up the old fashioned way--with a blog post! It's not too late to join us. I'm also looking for book recommendations for our next session. I'm thinking maybe a Michael Pollan book? I think we all really enjoyed the Kingsolver book and it was very thought provoking. So I'm hoping to continue that thought provoking kind of discussion with a Pollan book. Thoughts?

Also, what do you think about this blog format? I used to do all the pictures up top and then all the writing below. Then I switched to a mixture of words and pictures. And then I switched to grouping the pictures together. But I'm thinking I like this format better-pictures and then words?

Maple Syrup on the Homestead:

So today marked the first class that I've hosted on the homestead! This has long been a dream of mine. I mean, I love, love, love traveling around to other sites and presenting classes, but ultimately my goal is to also host classes on the homestead. And so this year I made it a goal to add 'on the homestead' classes to my roster. And that's what today was. The kick-off! I have three more classes in the 'On the Homestead' series and I also have some other things up my sleeve. But today was about Maple Syrup.

I think the class went well. It was the Mister (as a helper), my co-hostess, and one participant (one participant dropped out due to health related issues). But let's be honest, both participants are good friends of mine. That made this first class very easy and relaxing. Not that I skimped but I wasn't as nervous as I normally would be. I knew they'd forgive my nervous social anxiety or my rambling ways. It helped having my co-hostess who is so knowledgeable. She could, and did, jump in if I didn't know something or wasn't explaining myself correctly. She also led us on a 'tree identification' walk so we knew what to look for in IDing maple trees.

The day started around the kitchen table with pastries, coffee, and fruit. We talked about the maple syrup process from beginning to end. Then we strained our sap and started boiling it. Unfortunately the weather wasn't really cooperative this past week (it got very cold here) so the sap stopped flowing. But we have plans to boil some sap in a few weeks so our lone participant will see how it's done. But I don't think that deterred us from learning nor did it deter us from tapping those trees! We had a very yummy, catered lunch from The Camptons. If you are local, please go show them some love. They are absolutely the nicest people and have the yummiest food! Just look at that sandwich, soup, and salad. And then the carrot cake? So yummy. And we wrapped up the day eating that delicious cake. So I'm pleased with the class. We'll make some changes, as one always does, and then move forward to the next class. I'm so terribly excited by all of this!

But let's wrap up the wrap up and head on over to Friday Favorites. Or Sunday Specials as the case may be!

Here are just a few things I've been meaning to share with you all:
1. You know I'm mostly a homestead blogger but I've been remiss in not sharing some of my favorite fashionista friends. You also probably know that I am not fashionably inclined in the least. I mean, I like what I like and I tend to be on the preppy side, but these two ladies are so fashionable and have their style locked down, I'm so envious. Anyway, check out Daenel over at Living Outside the Stacks and Shugunna over at Nzuri N* Simplicity. Shugunna just started a youtube channel and I'm just smitten.
2. I got this, this, and this off my Amazon wish list for Christmas. I feel more environmentally friendly and more homesteady. I so totally can't wait to use the fermentation kit!
3. Have you ever watched Hart of Dixie? I guess it was a TV series back in the day but now you can watch it on Netflix. Totally been binging that lately.
4. I think it's time to bring the pie along back, don't you? Let's try for March! I'm thinking March 16th will work.

'til next time friends!


Cape Cod February 2020


Social Media Savvy?