I'm finally back with another Yarn Along! It's been a really long time since I've had a chance to not only knit, but to take some pictures and join in with Ginny for her monthly Yarn Along. I've missed joining in. I've missed having some extra time to just knit. But I do have 3 commissioned pieces that I'm working on. I have all the yarn for the first project: a modified Conversationalist hat. I'm using a local yarn for the base and then a yummy green yarn that I purchased while in Vermont a couple of months ago. And then the blue is Quince & Co. lark worsted weight yarn. I love that yarn. In fact I just ordered some for one of my other commissioned pieces (another hat. Not really based on any pattern other than a very modified petoncle hat). And my last commissioned pieces are dishcloths. I just ordered some cotton yarn for that. I need new dishcloths too so I ordered enough yarn to make a few for myself.

I'm happy to have the time (since setting a new schedule) to be able to actually sit and knit for a few minutes each day. Of course with commissioned work, I need more than a few minutes. Anyway, I started a new craft along and we had our first session last night. It was fun! I hope everyone enjoyed it. I've recorded it and will publish it here soon. But that's not what I wanted to talk about. I mentioned the craft along because Bekah and I were discussing restarting the book group. And we liked the Zoho platform so much we decided to make the book group an online, video discussion. We've been discussing the book above (The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek) and thought we would read this book and discuss it in mid-July. I've had it on my 'must read' list for a while now and Bekah just finished it. She wanted someone else's opinion on the book so we thought it would be a good book to start the discussion back up with. I've actually had a hard time finding the book (the libraries around me are just opening back up and the book is on hold for forever on my Overdrive account) but Amazon has it for free as a Kindle download if you have Prime account. Score! So I just started it last night. I'm excited for three reasons: 1. I have some knitting to do 2. I get to read a book on my must read list 3. I get to discuss the book with you all via video chat! It's a win-win all the way around.

Craft night was good, as I mentioned above. We made fabric buntings. I just need to finish sewing mine together and then I'll have the big reveal when I post the recording later this week. But for now, I'm off to finish a couple of chores. I think I'll set outside later with the chickens. They've been cooped up for a while due to lots of visitors to the fishing lodge. But everyone is leaving today so we'll get some outside time, for sure!

'til next time


Chicken Librarian Reads is Back!


Introducing: Craft Along!