Homestead Update #28
Hi friends! Welcome back! Sorry I took a little time away from here. I've been busy booking classes and trying to figure out where I want the blog to go. If you've been following along you'll know I've been thinking about this for a while. BUT! Friends. I finally figured it out. So I hope you'll sit back, grab some coffee, and follow along on this new journey. I'm really excited to start sharing with you again. I'm bringing back some oldies, but goodies, and the homestead update is one of those goodies I've been missing. They might look a little different, but that's okay. Things change and that's a good thing. So. Let's get started with our first homestead update since November of last year.

I won't have a garden this year but that's okay. By the time I moved to the sheep farm and got my bearings, it was a little late to put a garden in. I might do some containers of herbs and maybe a tomato plant or two, but no big garden for me this year. And that's okay. I have a lot of other things going on (that I will reveal in sweet time) that will keep me busy this year. I did get rid of most of my houseplants. It became overwhelming and we have a smaller space to live in now. I did keep the orchid, two cacti, two geraniums, the fig, and two spider plants. The geraniums and fig live outside on the porch. And everything else is spread out in my new office (more on that in a minute). So. I'll keep the garden category for now. You never know when gardening will pop up on, or off, the homestead.

I like this category of 'currently'. It can be currently reading, making, doing, watching, listening to. Anything! So. For this week, I'm currently listening to this podcast. She hasn't come out with season two yet, but I've restarted season 1. It's good. I'm also a sucker for true crime and this is one of my fav true crime podcasts.
I'm not currently reading any books that are noteworthy. I have read a couple of books worth noting though. First up, is Southernmost by Silas House. I love his writing. It's very old school southern. And if you know me, you know I'm a sucker for anything southern. I also really enjoyed Red Lotus by Chris Bohjalian. And finally, I highly recommend The Christie Affair by Nina de Gramont.
If you recall, I have a list of things that I wanted to finish. I have to admit that I haven't touched anything!! Oh goodness, you guys. Hold me accountable, will you?! Heheeh. I actually just rearranged a room to turn it into my crafting room so now I have a space to sit and relax. Watch TV or listen to a podcast and just get busy crafting! But still. A little push here and there wouldn't hurt.
Business End of Things

Like I said, I've been busy making connections, getting the word out about my classes, and booking said classes. There's not a lot to report on at this point. But there will be. So I'm keeping this section short. I have a lot to tell you in the next section!! So stay tuned for some details. And if you want to know where I'll be, you can find out here.
The Rest of the Story

Friends! I'm so excited to share my new crafting space with you. And everything else that I've been up to these past couple of weeks. Well, I've mostly been working nonstop, but I have managed to squeeze in some fun stuff too. First up, the craft room. I rent two bedrooms and a bathroom from my friend (my housemate as she'll be referred to from here forward). As I said, I've been really busy so I haven't really settled in yet. Until this past weekend. I was talking to my housemate and we agreed it was time to settle. So I turned the second bedroom into my office/craft room/sitting room. It's directly across the hall from my bedroom. So I see it when I'm sitting in bed. And it makes me so happy. I anticipate lots of good crafting happening in there. I just need to bring my crafting supplies from storage. I'll get to that a little at a time. I have those aforementioned projects to work on for now.
I finally had some time off from all the jobs (I'm not really sure how that happened, but I got two days off in a row!). So I took the time to go out and about this past weekend. I went to a farm market and ran into someone I know. We chatted for a bit. That was nice. Then I just strolled through town taking pictures and just seeing what was new. Then my housemate pulled up beside me and said 'jump in, we're going to a yard sale!'. That's music to my ears. And what a yard sale it was!! I found a few things of interest and decided 'why not'? Look at that vintage box of hankies!! Oh my!
Anna Lee and I took a little work trip this past week too. It was a burden taking a trip to the beach. LOL. It was her first time traveling like that (she obviously went to TN with me, so that was her first big trip, but this was her first 'vacation' type of trip). We never traveled with her before. It was never an option. But now, she goes anywhere and everywhere with me. She's part of the team and part of the package. Anyway, she ate shrimp and lobster, went on a ferry, and ran on the beach! It was a perfect trip. Even with the food poisoning that put me down for 24 hours.
Anna and I are continuing our walks. She's so good on her leash. We've been practicing 'heal' and she's doing pretty good with it. I'm down 35 pounds since February. I'm feeling good. When the powers that be say it's diet and exercise, they're right. There's no magic pill. It is literally what you eat and how much you burn off. A little happiness doesn't hurt either. : )
And finally, I've just been getting out more as time allows. I took Anna with me to the local wine shop and we sat and had a glass of wine. Well, I had the wine, she had water. The one neat thing about the town where I live, they allow dogs on the decks/outdoor tables and usually have doggie water bowls that they'll bring over for you. I usually carry a bowl and water for her, but it's nice that they're so dog friendly! And Anna loves it! She loves people and other animals so it helps her socialize too.
That's it friends. It's been busy here but that's to be expected. We're really having a good time here on the sheep farm. Lots of things are progressing as they should. I have a lot more to tell you as I'm able to reveal details. It feels good to be back in the saddle again. I've missed y'all!
'til next time