I Want

Hey friends. I hope you’ve found me in this new space. I created it as an extension of me. It’s been a long time coming. My other website had so many issues, and let’s be honest, it was old. And tired. And it didn’t feel like me anymore. I’ve done a lot of growing as a person these last 3 years. I’ve put in a LOT of hard work. And I will continue to do. So. The website needed to go. There’s a lot more that I will be moving away from in the very near future. But. To kick us off here with Chicken Librarian Design, I thought I would make a list of things that I want.

I want to disappear for 2 months and work on myself
I want to hang out with my dogs
I want to go for walks and trail runs
I want to read books
I want to cook more
I want to follow through
I want to be consistent
I want to do what I want to do
I want to make things pretty
I want to make pretty things
I want a home that is filled with light and love and laughter
I want to make people feel good
I want to decorate
I want to work hard
I want to travel
I want to make meal plans
I want to hold onto my money
I want to design things
I want to show people how to make things
I want to be confident enough to say no
I want to go to the gym
I want to sing loudly and badly
I want to learn a different language
I want to ride horses
I want to grow things
I want to meet new people
I want to do things around Knoxville and write about those things
I want to take photos
I want to write about things and share them here in this space
I want to learn that it is okay to stand up for myself
I want to learn to let things go
I want to always work on myself, making sure I am the best possible version of me.
I want to learn to trust myself 100% of the time
I want to live like no one else so later I can live like no one else
I want to plan
I want to be a goal setter, and goal getter
I want to be organized
I want to write stories and see them published in magazines (hell, maybe even a book)
I want to eat seasonally
I want to walk around farm markets

I want all these things and more. So I am going to step away from all the bullshit that I tell myself that I have to do and just focus. I’m going to put my head down and eyes up and work my ass off until I can get to where I am going. I’ve had enough of the chaos. I’ve had enough of the survival mode. I’ve had enough of me telling me that I can’t do it and that I have to fill my time with these other tasks that do not align with who I am and where I want to go. So. Friends. Stay tuned. Keep your eyes on this space. I kept telling myself that I would blog more once I had a new website since the other website made it so difficult to post. So. There you have it friends. I’m putting it all out in the universe. Let’s see what magic happens now.

‘til next time


Orvis Knoxville


Spiced Blueberry Jam