Sunday Supper Club


Join me for the all new Sunday Supper Club!! Details below

Hey y’all! I’ve been thinking about starting a Sunday Supper Club for a few months now. I thought it would be fun to get people together and have them over to the farmstead and we can get to know one another over food, drinks, and budding friendships!

I thought we would start in January and it would be potluck. It will be invitation only. All you need to do though is fill out this Google form . I want to get to know you, or vet you, first beforehand. I’ve always loved to entertain but I don’t know a lot of people here in Knoxville so I thought why not open my home up to some new friends!

The first 3 months will be potluck and will be free. I would love to grow it and expand it to something where we invite a chef in to cook for us! But that’s down the line. For now, we’ll limit our Sunday Supper Club to 10 people total. We’ll start inside and as the weather gets warmer, we’ll move our festivities outside.

Let’s do a theme each month too! So here’s our schedule:
January 26th: Champagne & Charcuterie to help us get in the mood for Valentine’s Day! Bring your best charcuterie board laden with yummies to share. I’ll provide the beverages.
February 23rd: Pot O’ Gold Party! In preparation for St. Patrick’s Day let’s wear green and celebrate all things Irish. Bring your best Irish dish to share.
March 30th: Farmer’s Market Party! Bring your favorite dish featuring an in-season item. This will be a nice challenge since it is early in spring. Not all ingredients need to be seasonal though!

Dress Code: I will always be dressed up (probably in something thrifted) and be on theme. I would love to have you join me in dressing up, but if you are more comfortable in your favorite sweats, then please wear that!

Other things to consider: I do have dogs. They will be with us during the evening but they won’t be joining us at the dinner table! LOL. Also, there will be alcoholic beverages as well as non-alcoholic beverages as well. I love a good mocktail and love making them up!

Questions? Let me know. I’m looking forward to adding Sunday Supper Club to our list of exciting additions!


Artichokes, or gardening from the ground up

