Hey there! Sorry to be MIA again, but this time I have a really good excuse. I have been working behind the scenes to update my blog and integrate my shop into the blog platform. I've had help, because let's face it, I'm not the most technologically advanced person. We hit a few speed bumps, but I think we've got most of those kinks worked out now. I won't really now if all the kinks are worked out until my first sale, so if you would help a girl out and buy something I would really appreciate it!

I've added a few knitted goods to the shop and some new products--healing salves! I am most excited about the salves. I love the packaging and the product. Not that I'm not excited about the knitted goods, but let's face it there's only so many ways to package a hat. But I have updated everything. The blog, the shop, the labels, the packaging, the package inserts. So I'm really very excited about all of this. I think it really speaks to my aesthetic. I would appreciate any constructive feedback you may have about the blog, the shop, and the packaging. All this will help support our little homestead. I really appreciate you taking the time to take a look around our little online space.


Yarn Along January 2019


Holiday Q&A for Crafters